Women’s Health
TSH (rapid)
Specialized diagnostic testing for thyroid stimulating hormone — TSH. Analysis of TSH levels assists in diagnosing thyroid function.
Insurance eligible with doctor order
Full UTI Panel
It’s specialized, broad testing for a range of common UTIs in a specimen. The procedure is non-invasive, accurate, and rapid. It’s appropriate for urgent and annual health checks.
Insurance eligible with doctor order
Pregnancy STD Panel
Complete STD testing that screens for the common sexually transmitted infections in pregnant women/ women that are planning to get pregnant. Non-invasive and accurate, with fast turnaround times, it comes in handy for both planned and urgent tests prior to and during pregnancy.
Insurance eligible with doctor order
Full STD test panel
Our most complete STD testing that screens for the common sexually transmitted infections in men and women. Non-invasive and accurate, with fast turnaround times, it comes in handy for both annual and urgent health state checks.
Insurance eligible with doctor order
Pregnancy HCG (rapid)
Specialized diagnostic testing for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). Analysis of the levels of this hormone can accurately diagnose pregnancy in women, even in its early stages.
Insurance eligible with doctor order